Passion is a Superpower

February 25, 2025

Photo by Randy Tarampi on Unsplash
The overwhelming majority of people will never care as much as you do about <whatever>.

I can't tell you the number of times I've waxed poetic about something I'm interested in until someone's eyes have glazed over.

(Don't worry, most of the time I'm self-aware enough to know when to spare the poor soul 😅)

But I also can't tell you the number of times that scenario started the same, but ended with finding like-minded enthusiasts to join my cause.

(Even if that cause is diving into Warhammer 40k in your 30s... something I know nothing about........)

That same tendency which I have to consciously rein in — lest I put the unenlightened to sleep (😉) — has led to everything from deep, lifelong friendships, to almost $15M in venture financing. The older I get, the more of a superpower I realize it is.

On a professional level, it's incredibly powerful when wielded wisely. I'm not advocating for you to sell snake oil, I'm advocating for you to sell the potential of actual gold in them thar hills.

Or put another way:
"If you wish to build a ship, do not divide the men into teams and send them to the forest to cut wood. Instead, teach them to long for the vast and endless sea."

Antoine de Saint Exupéry, paraphrased quote
As an entrepreneur, it's what recruits founding team members. As an individual contributor, it's what drives innovation. As an executive, it's what sells the strategy's story.

Life is way too short to not lean into your strengths. And one of my strengths is evangelizing that which I'm passionate about. But it's not just business pursuits. Whether it be creative endeavors, hobbies, or simply topics I've recently gone down the rabbit hole learning, I love to share what's turning my wheels. We might become best friends, or you might think I'm nuts. But you damn sure won't walk away thinking I'm apathetic.

On a personal level, this proclivity might sound selfish on the surface. And don't get me wrong, I absolutely love what I love, and I love talking about what I love. But if no one ever connected with it, it wouldn't be as fulfilling. 

I've realized this is a significantly deeper act than just listening to myself talk. Truly. I get immense fulfillment in sharing my passions with others. Not everyone needs to care like I do. After all, their own passions might differ and that’s excellent. But if I can help someone connect with something as deeply as I do, what might that lead to? 

If it's a hobby they dive into, how much happiness will that bring them? 

If it's a piece of entertainment they connect with, what kind of nostalgia can they now take with them?

If it's a love for business they discover, how might that impact their legacy?

My favorite celebrations are win-win's. So yes, I'll continue to get fulfillment from sharing my passions. I'll continue leaning into it professionally. And I'll continue the pursuit of landing the right ear at the right time. Because a win-win it is.

Passion is a superpower.

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